🚑….. The new guy! – Das ist unser Neuer!

07. November 2017 Photo content 0
🚑…..  The new guy! – Das ist unser Neuer!
🚑….. And now to lift the mystery! This is our new boat, with wheels and it doesn’t float! Mr. Ferdinand! Ferdinand is a campervan made from an old ambulance who competed in the 2017 Baltic Sea Circle summer rally. We’ve decided that after completing the rally round the Baltic Ocean he is fit for his ...

What now?

Was kommt jetzt?

What now? <p>Was kommt jetzt?
Three months long we gathered harbor tickets in Denmark and Sweden. But now our boat journey through Scandinavia will come to a temporary halt. We are capitulating due to cold weather 🍁🍂☃️ But our journey will continue! How you might ask? Well have a guess and stay tuned! ⛵ Wir haben drei Monate lang fleißig ...

At Anchor – Hübsche Ankerplätzchen

31. October 2017 Photo content 0
At Anchor – Hübsche Ankerplätzchen
As soon as the wind drops we like to search for a nice secluded anchorage. It might be nice in a harbor  with all the comforts, Electricity, land excursions and Internet. But at anchor one is somehow closer to nature! We can be active and go snorkeling, diving or head out with our dinghy. Or ...

Harbour porpoises smorgasbord – Schweinswale satt

29. October 2017 Photo content 0
Harbour porpoises smorgasbord – Schweinswale satt
During the last legs off the coast of Halland we encounter a lot of harbour porpoises. On one of our tours we even experienced five sightings with two to five animals each! They seam to be mostly hunting and eating and dove very frequently and regularly. On another tour, we even met three curious porpoises ...

How to: Blog

Wie geht das: Blog

How to: Blog <p> Wie geht das: Blog
Are you thinking: “This is all they are writing and posting?” Try and click the title of each post to load and see more of every post we publish. Denkst Du auch: “Ist das Alles was die schreiben und posten?” Versuch mal den Titel eines jeden userer Posts anzuklicken um die ganze Story zu laden. ...