
not such a colourful city

eine für uns eher blasse Stadt

22. October 2017 Photo content 0
Halmstad <p> not such a colourful city <p>eine für uns eher blasse Stadt
Our journey took us from Torekov further north to Halmstad, located at the mouth of Nissan. We choose the city marina “Najaden”, which is a short distance upstream. Despite the laudable travel guide descriptions, the pretty castle opposite the marina, many students thanks to the local university and even in spite of the wonderful sunny ...

Autumn is comming

Der Herbst hält Einzug.

15. September 2017 Photo content 0
Autumn is comming <p>Der Herbst hält Einzug.
From Helsingborg we sailed further northwards to Höganäs. Dine went swimming in the Baltic, let’s see if it will be the last time for this year in the Baltic? Mark only goes with a neoprene suit in these temperatures 🙂 Afterwards the mountains of Kullen fascinated us and we landed in the small village of Mölle ...

Welcome to Sweden!

Willkommen in Schweden!

13. September 2017 Photo content 0
Welcome to Sweden! <p>Willkommen in Schweden!
Hejsan Sverige, we made it to Sweden! We sailed to Landskrona and choosed the small, but beautiful harbour directly beneath the water tower, that might have been an UFO in former life times. Now in the early september the holiday season is actually over and we can mostly choose all the free berths for our ...

Harbour porpoise again close to our boat! Wieder ein Schweinswal ganz nah am Boot!

12. September 2017 Uncategorized, Video content 0
Some days ago we were followed by a harbour porpoise! It was bft 4 and we were running downwind along the Peninsula of Kullen in Sweden only with our mainsail. At first we heard the little whale breathing somewhere behind us. Then we could spot him several times. We were fast and he was, too! ...

Wir erobern Kopenhagen

We’re conquering Copenhagen

06. September 2017 Photo content, Uncategorized 0
Wir erobern Kopenhagen <p>We’re conquering Copenhagen
Unser vorerst letzter Stopp in Dänemark ist Kopenhagen und wir erkunden diese sehenswerte Stadt einen ganzen Tag lang per pedes. Also raus der Bootsenge und rein ins Getümmel der Stadt! Gemeinsam mit unendlich vielen Touristen, auch aus den zahlreichen Kreuzfahrtschiffen, schieben wir uns von einer Sehenswürdigkeit zur nächsten. Und doch finden wir auch Ecken, die ...